About Us
You know what it is to get up in the morning and see a bunch of pointless stuff on the websites all more annoying than one another. Each product is stranger than the other, with no added value.
That's what we hate! There are those who do nothing and there are those who are rising to change the world.
That is why we are presenting you this website on which you will find wonderful products, and which will make you be "the man/woman" of the situation and the most connected of your friends.
We are a small team, joyful and passionate about our customers. The more we bring joy to our customers with our new findings, the happier we are to get up in the morning.
Every day our first motivation is to find the rare jewel of the products, the most incredible, the funnier!
Imagine yourself with your friends, all of them chatting, and then at some point you pull out an unidentified object that blows everyone out!
Everyone's attention is centered on you and you become the hero of your friends. Each product we sell is rigorously selected from a wide range of favorite products based on criteria including rarity, awesomeness, and practicality.